Standing on Low’s Peak of Mt. Kinabalu, the highest mountain in South-East-Asia, I didn’t feel the joy and excitement for the successful climb。
Instead, I felt humble and thankful for the Creator who had created this magnificent mountain. I was also grateful to the encouragement and help from my friends especially my guide- Jemin who was very patient and helpful all the way to the Peak.
The panoramic view from the Peak was awesome and breathtaking and it made me feel very small in this universe!
I am fully aware that I have another tough task ahead. The descent is equally challenging!
The climb also carries the same meaning in our real life endeavours. If one is holding high office, one should not feel proud and arrogant. You will not be there purely by your own efforts only as there are others who helped you to make it there.
The final judgement of whether you are successful or not will only be known not when you are still in office but when your tenure of office is over.

【不识‘神山’真面目,只缘身在此山中】。站在罗氏峰上,我不能看到她的全貌,一览无遗的,反而是对面远处的‘South Peak’南峰和‘St.John’s Peak’圣约翰峰,何等壮观,感叹造物主的伟大!
On top of Low’s Peak, I cannot see how it looks like, but I can clearly see the South Peak and St. John’s Peak from a distance. They are just magnificent!
Our one Ringgit note carries the image of South Peak, while St. John’s Peak resembled the face of a human being. Folk tale had it that she was indeed the widow who waited the return of her husband!

About 2 km before reaching Low’s Peak,a thick white rope is available to help us to make this difficult and dangerous ascend. This rope is also meant to guide us to the correct and safe direction to the Peak.
The weather up there is unpredictable,thick mist may affect one’s visibility, without the white rope as guide one may get loss.
In real life too, we need a clear direction. You may have goals, but without a clear direction, you may not be able to get there.

We climbed from Timpohan gate to the summit and came down via Mesilau trail, a total journey of 19.4 km. As compared to other famous mountains like Huang Shan in China, there were very few man-made steps for better access.
Eminent Chinese writer Lu Xun once wrote: ‘there were no road in this world, if the trail had been used by more and more people, the trail became road’.
The trail to the summit was difficult and tough; the trail became road as it was walked over and over again by climbers.
We must have courage and determination to map out a road for life. Many successful men started off with nothing, but with perseverance and determination, they made out a road to success.

攀登神山,通常会在6公里山腰上的Laban Rata住宿休息,隔天凌晨攻顶后才下山来。登山者必须携带简单的行装和登山用品上山,为了纾解背包压力和省力攻顶,大多数人都愿付一公斤9令吉(来回程)的挑夫费,让挑夫把背包背上山。
神山的职业挑夫个个年轻力壮,经验丰富,他们都是本地原住民杜顺族,男女皆有。 我的向导-Jemin-也兼作挑夫,不要看他个子矮小,小腿肌肉十分发达,虽背著数十公斤重的背包,登山时如履平地,令人佩服,也为他如此辛苦,出卖劳力为生感叹。Jemin做这份工已有3年,膝盖已开始疼痛,再过一两年,他得转行做其他少用脚力的工作!
Just pay 9 ringgit for the weight of 1 kg, you can get a porter to carry your luggage up to Laban Rata and than back to the Park HQ.
Porters are local Dusun who stay at the foot of the Mountain. Some of them may have small built, but they have strong legs and can carry up to 40-50 kg of load up to the mountain with ease. They earn their living in a hard way, but always dutifully deliver your luggage without fail.
My guide Jemin also serves as porter for 3 years now. He told me that his knees ache occasionally and he is thinking of looking for other jobs when he gets older!
The Kinabalu National Park is also a botanical paradise. Over 1000 species of orchids and many species of pitcher plants are found endemic in this area. I was told the world’s largest pitcher plants are also found here. The park has a rich diversity of flora and fauna.