Saturday, June 13, 2009

漫漫长路 Long Journey

Rest Area


He has travelled a long distance on a horse-cart with a basket full of piglets. Home is still far away. He stopped and sat at the roadside for a rest, while the horse was grazing out of my viewfinder. The blue skythe clouds and the wilderness created a sense of loneliness and tranquility.

Tough Journey

  Lonely Journey

Thursday, June 4, 2009

回家 Going Home

接近傍晚七时,太阳快下完山,云层盖著夕阳余辉,田野里一片宁静。马老师示意我们收拾好相机和脚架返回旅社。我和Steve, Jonanthan 却意犹未尽,踌躇间,骤然看到天空‘开了个洞’,黄金色的夕阳直射进田里。我们对此奇景还没回意过来,前面迎来赶马车回家去的小伙子,连忙按下快门,拍下这张照片。

It was 7 o’clock in the evening, the sun starting to set. It was quiet in Red Soil Earth in Dong Chuan, which is about 150 KM from Kun Ming, China. Most of us decided to go back to the hotel, but Steve, Jonathan and I prefer to stay a bit longer. All of the sudden, sunlight broke through the clouds and torched the farmland with golden color. While we were amused by this spectacular scene, a man with a horse cart emerged, walking hurriedly toward us, without hesitation, I took this photograph.